Healing hands and caring Knees because your good health is our greatest achievement


Knee arthroscopy is used to treat a variety of conditions and injuries, including:

  • Meniscal tears
  • ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tears
  • PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) tears
  • Cartilage damage
  • Patellar (kneecap) balance or tracking problems
  • Some instances of arthritis

Patients suffering from painful rotator cuff tears, labral tears, recurrent shoulder dislocations, and severe frozen shoulder will often benefit most from arthroscopic shoulder surgery.
For patients suffering from rotator cuff tears, Dr. Meszaros will often recommend shoulder arthroscopy to either debride or reattach the torn tendons.
In order to relieve pain or restore joint stability, labral tears may require minimally invasive surgery to debride or repair the torn tissue.
Frozen shoulder patients who are unable to restore joint function through physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications, will often benefit greatly from arthroscopic shoulder surgery to loosen the tight tendons.

Arthroscopic surgery is used to treat cartilage damage within the ankle or removing bony prominences around the joint that cause pain.

Yes. Unless otherwise instructed by your physician not to weight bear. Otherwise, you may put weight on your surgical leg as tolerated. Let pain be your guide. If you have questions, please contact your physician.

The most serious complication that can happen after a knee scope is a blood clot in the calf. Common signs that you may have a blood clot are swelling in your leg, redness and severe tenderness in the calf. If you are concerned please contact your physician

Most patients are prescribed pain medication based on physician preference. Most patients will transition over the counter medications after 1-2 weeks.

Physical Therapy may or may not be necessary for your recovery. It is to the discretion of the physician if they feel physical therapy is medically necessary. If physical therapy is necessary, usually the initial evaluation maybe scheduled 1 to 7 days after surgery. A list of our 10 rehabilitation centers is available at JOI.net or at your physician’s office.

Most post op follow ups a routinely scheduled 7-14 days after surgery to either remove stitches or to schedule physical therapy if your physician recommends it.